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Feedback wanted on telemarketing and door knocking for Victorian Energy upgrade by 18 March 2024

Review underway for potential ban on telemarketing and door knocking in Victorian Energy Upgrades program due to numerous complaints. Danny O'Brien urges Gippslanders to share their views. Concerns raised about harassment and scamming.

By news@gippsland - 13th March 2024 - Back to News

A review is underway to consider a ban on telemarketing and door knocking practices as part of the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program following a spate of complaints from Victorians who reported feeling harassed. The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O'Brien is encouraging Gippslanders to have their say on the outcome of the review which is currently open for consultation.

Danny O'Brien seeks community input on the review in progress to potentially ban telemarketing and door knocking in VEU program due to harassment complaints

Danny O'Brien seeks community input on the review in progress to potentially ban telemarketing and door knocking in VEU program due to harassment complaints

VEU program criticism

Mr O'Brien said that he was aware many locals have been victim to multiple telemarketing calls and door knocks a day which reasonably led to many people calling his office to question if the VEU program itself is even legitimate. "The telemarketing practices that have been reported to my office are not becoming of the state government."

"Indeed, my own office would at times receive 5-6 calls a day asking to upgrade our lighting.
"People have understandably reported feeling harassed and even intimidated by having strangers knock on their doors and ask to enter their premises with no warning that they were attending," Mr O'Brien said.

Have your say

Mr O'Brien said the situation has been made worse by would-be scammers posing as accredited providers under the VEU program and using this to access people's personal information. "While the current code of conduct that governs the accredited providers under the program states that they must not call the same household twice within 30 days, the problem is that we have multiple companies contacting the same household."

"It is clear that the current practices are not working, and I am hopeful that this review will lead to an outcome that prevents companies from harassing Gippslanders in their own homes," he said. Those wanting to provide feedback to the review can do so before 18 March 2024 at Banning telemarketing under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program website.

Pictures from Danny O'Brien MP Instagram page.


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