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Federal senate inquiry is opportunity for Gippsland to be heard on regional banks closures

The first hearing of the Senate inquiry into regional bank closures took place in Sale today.

By news@gippsland - 2nd March 2023 - Back to News

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester said the inquiry was an opportunity for Gippslanders to be heard by the big four banks. "This is the opportunity for local businesses, organisations and people to be heard by the big banks and provide real life examples of how these closures affect regional areas."

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester with East Gippsland Shire Council CEO Anthony Basford and Mayor Mark Reeves at the first hearing of the Senate inquiry into regional banking closures today

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester with East Gippsland Shire Council CEO Anthony Basford and Mayor Mark Reeves at the first hearing of the Senate inquiry into regional banking closures today

Listen and show compassion

Mr Chester said, "It's time for the banks to listen to people and stop being lazy and making decisions in city boardrooms that have detrimental impacts on regional people. Banks need to explore innovative solutions to maintain face-to-face services which are critical for small business owners and a wide range of customers who aren't capable of using online banking, or simply need some personal assistance at a branch to access their own money."

Mr Chester said the inquiry heard from a range of speakers including an opportunity for the general public to voice their concerns. "The inquiry has heard from the banks, councils, advocacy and business groups and Gippslanders who are facing bank closures and the impact they have on the whole region."

"This isn't a Gippsland specific issue, it affects all of regional and rural Australia and this inquiry will force the banks to reconsider and in some cases stop closures. The ongoing record profits of the major banks is proof they can afford to offer a better service and big bank executives need to listen and show some compassion for their regional customers." Mr Chester said.

Pictures from Darren Chester MP website.


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