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Projects list and funding specifics for South Gippsland emphasising necessary roadworks demanded by Danny O'Brien

O'Brien requests the Minister for Roads to share funding details and project lists for Gippsland South this year, highlighting critical issues like speed reductions, potholes, and the need for road improvements.

By news@gippsland - 16th November 2023 - Back to News

My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and I ask the minister to provide details of the road funding, including a list of projects, for the Gippsland South electorate for the current financial year. The Gippsland South electorate - I know the minister probably is not aware of it - covers South Gippsland, parts of Wellington and parts of Latrobe city.

Repetitive patching, not proper fixes, reflects ongoing budget cuts limiting VicRoads' ability to address major issues under Labor

Repetitive patching, not proper fixes, reflects ongoing budget cuts limiting VicRoads' ability to address major issues under Labor

Demanding road improvements

I know she follows me on Facebook and looks at my selfies, but I would actually like her to fix the roads instead and do her job. We have got the South Gippsland Highway having additional speed reductions repeatedly - 60 kilometres an hour in two sections now and quite a number of 80s.

The road to the Prom is an absolute disgrace. We have got potholes everywhere. The Strzelecki Highway, the Hyland Highway, the Princes Highway - the number one highway in the country with major potholes on it that are having to be constantly repatched. I would like to know what in fact is being spent on Gippsland South roads in this financial year.

Pictures from Danny O'Brien MP Instagram page.


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