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Russell Broadbent interviews Professor Gigi Foster about intense lockdowns instead of following established pandemic plan

Professor Gigi Foster's insightful perspectives shed light on decision-making and its impact on our collective psyche, emphasising the importance of sharing alternative views.

By news@gippsland - 13th March 2024 - Back to News

I recently had the pleasure of asking Professor Gigi Foster why Australia went so hard with lockdowns and mandates instead of following the dedicated pandemic plan that had been developed over many years.

Professor Gigi Foster advises expressing pandemic views with empathy, openness, and gradual truth-sharing, particularly if divergent from official discourse

Professor Gigi Foster advises expressing pandemic views with empathy, openness, and gradual truth-sharing, particularly if divergent from official discourse

Gigi's observations and thought-provoking perspectives offer valuable insights about why certain decisions were made, and explains the effect they had on our national psyche. When sharing our perspectives about the pandemic, especially when they differ from the official government narrative, Professor Gigi Foster says we need to act with love and compassion and openness and provide a slow drip of the truth.

Pictures from Russell Broadbent MP website.


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