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Scope Australia gets lease at George Street in Warragul until 30 June 2025 as current location gets $202k maintenance due to asbestos

Baw Baw Shire Council granted Scope Australia a temporary lease for Warragul's George Street building until June 30, 2025. Essential $202,000 maintenance will proceed, impacting client access due to asbestos concerns.

By news@gippsland - 3rd July 2024 - Back to News

Baw Baw Shire Council has issued a temporary lease agreement up until 30 June 2025 to Scope Australia. As standard practice, Council Officers inspected the George Street building in Warragul and identified essential maintenance and safety concerns which cannot be carried out while the premises are occupied. Currently Scope Australia and Grace Berglund Kindergarten utilise the building.

Baw Baw Shire Council granted Scope Australia a lease until June 30, 2025. Essential maintenance is needed but can't be done while occupied by Scope and Grace Berglund Kindergarten

Baw Baw Shire Council granted Scope Australia a lease until June 30, 2025. Essential maintenance is needed but can't be done while occupied by Scope and Grace Berglund Kindergarten

Essential maintenance proceeding

Council will proceed with essential maintenance and safety works, which are estimated at $202,000, to allow Scope Australia and the kindergarten service to safely remain in the building. The funding will be considered as part of our normal budgeting processes. The most significant works will be on the Scope Australia side of the building.

Clients will not be able to remain on site during the essential maintenance and safety works. This is due to the structural nature of the works, and the known presence of asbestos in the building. This has been communicated to Scope Australia and will be a matter for them to manage if any temporary relocations are required for their clients.

Minimal impact expected

There will be minimal impact to the kindergarten service during the works. While no formal decisions have been made yet, Council is looking into whether the necessary works could be achieved during a school holiday period when there is no kindergarten program running.

Council will work with the kindergarten in an attempt to have minimal impact for families utilising the kindergarten service. A further report is set to be presented to Council in December this year seeking a resolution regarding the future use of the site.

Pictures from Google Images.


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