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Gippslanders urged to report road conditions via survey to stop Federal road funding cuts that will further endanger lives and damage vehicles

Federal road funding cuts imperil lives and damage vehicles in Gippsland, worsening road conditions. MP Darren Chester urges locals to highlight issues via a national survey, decrying neglect under the Albanese Labor government.

By news@gippsland - 4th July 2024 - Back to News

Federal government road funding cuts are endangering lives and damaging vehicles across Gippsland, as the lack of essential maintenance and upgrades pushes the local road network into disrepair, according to Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester. The local MP has asked Gippslanders to help highlight the critical condition of local roads by completing a national road survey and nominating a road or intersection in need of improvement.

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester has asked Gippslanders to help highlight the critical condition of local roads by completing a national road survey and nominating a road or intersection in need of improvement

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester has asked Gippslanders to help highlight the critical condition of local roads by completing a national road survey and nominating a road or intersection in need of improvement

Fix Gippsland roads

Mr Chester said, "As someone who travels about 50,000 kilometres per year on Gippsland roads, I know how terrible some parts of the road network have become. I'm calling on Gippslanders to help shine a light on the appalling condition of our roads by taking part in this national survey."

"Poor road conditions are contributing to accidents and causing damage to vehicles, forcing motorists to undertake expensive repairs at their own cost. Let's send the Albanese Labor government a clear message to fix our roads across regional Australia," he said.

Gippsland is just one piece in the dishevelled puzzle, which is the national road network. In the first two years of the Albanese Labor government, infrastructure projects totalling $27.9 billion have been cancelled, cut, and delayed.

Infrastructure funding cuts

Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Tony Pasin MP said the Albanese Labor government had allowed the national road network to fall into disrepair with billions of dollars in funding cuts and delays since coming to government.

"Australia's 880,000 kilometres of road network underpins almost every aspect of our lives. From getting to and from work and school to getting produce off the farm and off to market, a good road network underpins the efficient and safe movement of people and goods, and it's critical to competing in a global market."

"Motorists take responsibility for ensuring their vehicle is roadworthy and pay taxes and charges for the privilege to use our road network. In turn, a core responsibility of the government is to ensure the road network is up to standard. It's very clear from the condition of roads across the country that the Albanese Labor government is not living up to its end of the bargain" Mr Pasin said.

The national road survey will be open until 5pm, August 30, and is available at National Road Survey - Fix Our Roads website.

Pictures from Darren Chester MP website.


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