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Churchill new public toilet design and temporary facilities allocated $100,000 by Latrobe City Council

At its July meeting, Council allocated $100,000 for designing a new public toilet in Churchill town centre. Mayor Howe announced a temporary toilet will be provided while planning the permanent facility.

By news@gippsland - 4th July 2024 - Back to News

At its July Council Meeting, Council endorsed an allocation of $100,000 (excluding GST) for the detailed design of a new public toilet facility within the Churchill town centre. Mayor of Latrobe City Council, Councillor Darren Howe, said Council will provide a temporary toilet for Churchill while working on a more long-term solution.

Latrobe City Council also plans to request Hazelwood Village Shopping Centre to provide public toilet access; otherwise, funds will support temporary facilities in Churchill

Latrobe City Council also plans to request Hazelwood Village Shopping Centre to provide public toilet access; otherwise, funds will support temporary facilities in Churchill

Public toilet funding

Cr Howe said, "Providing funding to enable a detailed design for the construction of a new public toilet facility will ensure a fully informed future Budget bid as part of the mid-year Budget process to construct the facility. As the town grows, we understand the community desire for a public toilet located in the town centre and will work to get this toilet in place."

Council will also write to the owners of Hazelwood Village Shopping Centre seeking to enter an agreement for toilet facilities within the venue to be made available to members of the public. Subject to a written agreement being obtained with the Shopping Centre, Council will also allocate $5,000 (excluding GST) for way-finding signage to be implemented at appropriate locations within the Churchill town centre.

If Council cannot enter an agreement with the Shopping Centre, it will allocate $100,000 (excluding GST) from the Accumulated Unallocated Cash Reserve to provide a temporary toilet within the Churchill Activity Centre.

Temporary toilet solutions

Councillor Graeme Middlemiss said that while Council is working to construct new toilet blocks, it will first look at temporary toilet options for the community. "It may be up to 12 months before the new toilet block is in service in Churchill, which leaves us with a period where there will be no dedicated public toilets within the town centre. Council will work to ensure a temporary solution is made available until we have constructed the new toilets."

Monday night's decision follows on from the June Council Meeting, where Council considered urgent business relating to a proposed new public toilet in Churchill. Deputy Mayor, Councillor Tracie Lund, said Council has heard from the community about the need for public, accessible toilets in Churchill.

"We understand the expectation from the community that we act on this matter and don't push it aside. Ensuring that we have the amenities we need in all our towns is a priority and given that Churchill has waited a long time for this toilet, it's important that we move this along quickly," said Councillor Lund. Community members can find existing public toilets in the Churchill town centre at the Churchill Community Hub.

Pictures from Latrobe City Council website.


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