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Russell Broadbent says achieving net zero by 2050 requires sensible laws that preserves manufacturing and economic opportunities

After 25 years in Parliament, Russell Broadbent emphasises common-sense legislation and trust from Australians. Achieving net zero by 2050 requires a practical plan that preserves manufacturing and economic opportunities.

By news@gippsland - 4th July 2024 - Back to News

After nearly 25 years in this House, it comes down to this: it's a matter of common sense in our legislation. It's a matter of trust given by the Australian people to our politicians. It's a duty of care to the Australian people. We take something from our doctors in our legislation when they commit to first do no harm - I say to your nation.

It's about trust and duty to Australians. Achieving net zero by 2050 requires a practical, non-destructive path for our nation's future, sayd Russell Broadbent

It's about trust and duty to Australians. Achieving net zero by 2050 requires a practical, non-destructive path for our nation's future, sayd Russell Broadbent

Net zero challenge

Net zero by 2050 for me is a plan and a future target, but there's no bridge - I see the minister - that is practical from now to net zero by 2050 to get you there. I would ask anybody to come to me and show me how, without destroying Australian manufacturing, farms, businesses and opportunity, you can take this country from where we are today to net zero by 2050.

Government members interjecting - You're destroying manufacturing in this country. Manufacturing has been declining. I'd love it if the government's plan for manufacturing were true. It is not. It is not the future. You're not doing the best.

You don't have a duty of care for this country. I say that to the Treasurer as well. Give me the plan that takes you from here to net zero and all the things that go on the bridge to get there without destroying all the benefits that coal and gas grew this country on.

Pictures from Russell Broadbent MP website.


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