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Victorian government invests $20M in maintenance projects for Eastern Victoria schools, ensuring essential upgrades

Schools in Eastern Victoria will benefit from over $20 million in funding for 62 maintenance projects, announced by MP Harriet Shing under the Victorian government's Planned Maintenance Program (PMP).

By news@gippsland - 19th September 2024 - Back to News

Schools in Eastern Victoria are receiving a boost to essential maintenance projects, thanks to the Victorian Government. Member for Eastern Victoria, Harriet Shing today announced schools in the area are among the 59 to share in over $20 million in funding for 62 maintenance projects under the Planned Maintenance Program (PMP).

The Victorian government’s 2024-25 Budget invests $110M in school repairs and maintenance, ensuring safe, modern learning spaces through building refurbishments and infrastructure upgrades

The Victorian government's 2024-25 Budget invests $110M in school repairs and maintenance, ensuring safe, modern learning spaces through building refurbishments and infrastructure upgrades

Secured funding for schools

The schools to receive funding in the September allocation include Buln Buln Primary School, Trafalgar Primary School and Nar Nar Goon. This builds on the August announcement of the funding to schools including Drouin Primary School, Warragul Primary School and Narracan Primary School. The PMP provides funding to address high-priority maintenance issues across Victoria's government schools.

The program ensures schools can undertake essential work in classrooms and other school buildings such as fixing roofs and replacing windows, painting, and resurfacing floors, as well as some external works like improving pathways. Works are determined by a rolling facilities evaluation process, which provides up-to-date information on the condition of schools to create a faster and more targeted allocation of funding.

Education investment grows

The Victorian Government has invested $16.9 billion over the past 10 years to build new schools and deliver more than 2,200 school upgrades − supporting more than 26,000 jobs in construction and associated industries. It is now ahead of schedule in its commitment to open 100 new schools by 2026, with 75 new schools opening between 2019 and 2024.

The Victorian Government is building the Education State so every student can access a great local school and a quality education no matter where they live. For a list of schools receiving funding under the Planned Maintenance Program, visit Victorian School Building Authority website.

School maintenance boost

Minister for Education Ben Carroll said, "This program is about ensuring that every Victorian school is kept up-to-date, so that every child can access a high-quality education in a high-quality environment. We are constantly evaluating our schools and making sure every single classroom is safe, engaging, and will complement the top-class education we are committed to providing."

Member for Eastern Victoria, Harriet Shing said, "As our work continues to build and upgrade schools across the region, this maintenance funding is making a really positive difference to the amenity and accessibility for more students, teachers and staff."

Pictures from Baw Baw shire Council Facebook page.


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