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Christmas 2023 message from Danny O'Brien MP

Danny O'Brien wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Grateful for Gippsland's support.

By news@gippsland - 20th December 2023 - Back to News

As the new year approaches and we commence the holiday season I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and safe and Happy New Year. I hope that the holiday season will provide an opportunity for all to spend time with friends and family and enjoy all that Gippsland has to offer.

Thank you to all contributors and those safeguarding our community during the holidays. Peace and joy to all!

Thank you to all contributors and those safeguarding our community during the holidays. Peace and joy to all!

Gratitude for contributions

As I reflect on another year as the State Member for Gippsland South, I am grateful for the continued support of my electorate and colleagues and for the opportunity to continue to serve the people of Gippsland South as we work together to achieve a better future for all.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank those who have positively contributed to our community throughout the year - whether that be as a volunteer at a local sports club, a local educator, an emergency services professional or volunteer or in many, many more ways. I thank you for your time and effort that has helped make our community a better place to work and live.

Thank you especially to those that will continue to work hard throughout the holiday season to protect and support our community while the rest of us take time off. May your holiday season be filled with peace and happiness. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Pictures from Danny O'Brien MP website.


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