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Victoria's family violence crisis continues to worsen according to Independent Crime Statistics Agency

Family violence offences in Victoria have reached harrowing highs.

By news@gippsland - 17th December 2021 - Back to News

Independent Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) data released today shows the state recorded 92,552 family incidents in the year to September 30, 2021, up 2.8 percent on the previous 12 months. The number of criminal incidents related to family violence also increased, from 45,447 to 47,607, while the number of children affected by family violence increased by more than 10 percent.

Victoria recorded 7800 family violence incidents against children in 2021, compared with 7064 in 2020, it has worsened the pressure on a system already in crisis

Victoria recorded 7800 family violence incidents against children in 2021, compared with 7064 in 2020, it has worsened the pressure on a system already in crisis

Highest family-violence increase

Women aged between 20 and 39 were the people affected in more than a third of all incidents in the 12 months to September 30, 2021. Regional local government areas recorded the biggest percentage increases in family violence incidents anywhere in the state. Councils that had the highest percentage increase in incidents between 2020 and 2021, with rises of up to 43.2 percent are:

  • Hindmarsh
  • Loddon
  • Mansfield
  • Northern Grampians
  • Towong
  • West Wimmera

People should be able to feel safe in their homes, workplaces and communities, but these harrowing figures show the Andrews Labor Government continues to fail vulnerable Victorians.

Delay in implementing critical family violence reform

Monash had the largest increase in incidents of any metropolitan LGA, with a 16.5 percent rise. The statistics also showed:

  • Family violence offences increased by 2.8 percent
  • Family violence criminal incidents increased by 4.75 percent
  • The number of incidents where children were the person affected increased by 10.4 percent
  • Breaches of family violence orders increased by 7.8 percent
  • Stalking, harassment and threatening behavior to family violence increased 7.6 percent

Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Emma Kealy said, "The Andrews Labor Government's continued delays in implementing critical family violence reform and the lasting impact of the Government's shambolic management of COVID comes as family violence offences in Victoria continue to rise. " Daniel Andrews must stop paying lip service to the family violence crisis in this state and urgently make meaningful and lasting reforms for the safety of all Victorians.

Pictures from Royal Commission into Corruption in our Family Courts Australia Facebook page.


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