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Lakes Entrance gets voice at United Nations at the General Assembly in New York from Gippsland's Darren Chester

Lakes Entrance is set to have a local voice at the United Nations with Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester selected to represent the Australian Parliament at the General Assembly in New York.

By news@gippsland - 13th September 2022 - Back to News

Mr Chester and a Labor MP will be appointed as Parliamentary Advisers for the United Nations sessions which begin later this month and continue until early December. "I thought I should look my best when I turned up and Jodi can work miracles," Mr Chester joked.

Darren Chester dropped in to see Jodi Kennedy at Shorelines Hair in Myer Street for a trim to get ready for the trip

Darren Chester dropped in to see Jodi Kennedy at Shorelines Hair in Myer Street for a trim to get ready for the trip

Honour to represent

Mr Chester said, "Seriously, it's an enormous honour to be chosen to represent the federal parliament at the United Nations at such a critical time in international affairs. Representing the federal parliament in New York for a short period will certainly improve my understanding of international issues and the United States political process during the midterm elections."

Mr Chester said he would continue in his work as Member for Gippsland during the weeks he is based in New York. "Obviously, I won't be able to personally attend the usual community events and functions but I will be in daily contact with my office staff and continue to assist locals with the full range of federal government services that we provide," he said.

"There's a number of Lakes Entrance projects that I am pursuing across all levels of government and I will be continuing that advocacy work remotely for about 10 weeks. I am fortunate to have very experienced local staff who are helping Gippslanders every day with a range of federal government matters." Mr Chester said.

Pictures from Darren Chester MP website.


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