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Baw Baw Shire Early Childhood Careers Expo at West Gippsland Arts Centre on 30 May 2024

The Early Childhood Careers Expo, happening this May at the West Gippsland Arts Centre, aims to inspire careers in the early years sector. Featuring local businesses, presentations, and a pop-up playgroup.

By news@gippsland - 16th May 2024 - Back to News

A new expo designed to inspire more people to follow a career path in the early years sector will take over the West Gippsland Arts Centre, this May. The Early Childhood Careers Expo will host more than 20 local businesses and groups, with a pop-up playgroup also running between 10am and 12.00pm, so parents and carers can bring their little ones along with the assurance that they will also be entertained.

The Early Childhood Careers Expo will display various career options, aiming to inspire students in years 10 to 12 towards early childhood roles

The Early Childhood Careers Expo will display various career options, aiming to inspire students in years 10 to 12 towards early childhood roles

Early Years Career Expo

This inaugural expo is being presented by Council to showcase the many rewarding career paths in the early years industry, and to give local students and adults a chance to find out more about what a job in this area could look like. There will be presentations on the day from members of Council's Maternal Child Health and Family Day Care (FDC) units, as well as speakers from Chisholm Institute, and Federation University.

Baw Baw Shire Mayor Cr Annemarie McCabe encouraged members from the local community to get along to the expo, stating there's a desperate gap in this sector that requires more people in the early years workforce, and she hopes this expo would inspire someone to follow that path.

"There's a shortage across the early years sector that Council is trying to address and we're calling for more people to consider careers in this area. A career in the early years could be so incredibly rewarding as you get a unique chance to shape and inspire little one's creative minds," she said.

FDC educator testimonial

Baw Baw Family Day Care Educator Martha Smith echoed the Mayor's comments and said she loved the opportunities that came with being a FDC educator. "Family day care has been the most amazing opportunity for me, as an educator and now as a Mum. I have the flexibility to run my business how I want it to be run, with the guidance of a supportive coordination unit."

"In FDC, we explore a child's interests and learn much deeper as we work with small groups of four children and their families. We regularly get out of the house and explore our local community and beyond. This societal engagement has given the children in my care amazing confidence, knowledge and connection to their community," Martha said.

Martha added that as a mum herself, this job gives her the chance to spend more time with her child and watch them grow and learn, while also making lifelong friends. The Early Childhood Careers Expo will be held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre on Thursday 30 May from 9.30am - 12.30pm. Don't miss out. This is a free event and tickets do not need to be purchased. Visit the Early Childhood Careers Expo website to find out more.

Pictures from Baw Baw Shire Council website.


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