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Baw Baw Shire Council meeting snapshot - 25 January 2022

Council meeting for the proposed development for the shire.

By news@gippsland - 25th January 2022 - Back to News

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council's Tuesday 25 January Council meeting.

Council meetings are being held live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the council website for viewing, council will still be accepting questions on notice and written submissions for the meeting

Council meetings are being held live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the council website for viewing, council will still be accepting questions on notice and written submissions for the meeting

Planning and Development

For Baw Baw Shire plaaning and development, the council moved to:

  • Planning Application PLA0034/21 - 14 Grace Court, Drouin. Council moved to Issue Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning - Permit - Planning Application PLA0034/21.
  • Planning Application PLA0195/20 - 77 Princes Hwy, Yarragon. Council moved to defer issuing a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit -
  • Planning Application PLA0195/20 by two Council meetings, no later than 23 February 2022
  • Planning Application PLA0148/20 - 16 Shearmans Road, Darnum. Council agreed to the consent order in VCAT proceedings P11587/2021 & P11367/2021 associated with the Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit in PLA0148/20
  • Planning Application PLA0268/20 - 76 Old Coach Road, Jacob Creek. Council resolved to advise VCAT that had it determined the application it would have been to refuse Planning Permit

Application PLA0268/20 for the use and development of a dwelling and outbuilding (in retrospect) (76 Old Coach Road, Jacob Creek).

Community infrastructure

Tender Recommendation - Warragul Leisure Centre Expansion - Early Works Package, council moved to accept the tender submitted by Kubale Construction Pty Ltd for Tender 2021029, and award a contract for up to a total sum of $1,250,000 (ex GST), including a contingency amount of up to $201,400 (ex GST) to cover any unforeseen items and/or latent conditions to complete the works, to the nominated contractor. And to delegate authority to the CEO to sign the contract documents after they have been prepared and execute the award of the contract.

Capital Evaluation Policy

Council adopted the Capital Evaluation Policy 2022. Tender Recommendation Report: CON2021039 Bituminous Resealing on Local Roads (Multi Year).
Council moved to accept the tender submitted by Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd and delegate authority to the CEO to sign the contract documents after they have been prepared and execute the award of the contract.

Economic development, grants and advocacy

Endorsement to accept Gifted Artwork. Council resolved to accept a gift of a 3D wooden sculpture by Mr Brian Kennedy at a Civic Ceremony to be held at the Council Meeting on 9 February 2022.

Governance and Information Services

ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day Policy, council adopted the ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day Policy. In line with COVID-19 restrictions across Victoria, Council will be limiting attendance of its Council meetings.

Council meetings

Continuing with the Wednesday 9 February 2022 Council Meeting:

  • Only essential officers and councillors will attend council meetings
  • There will be no public access/gallery attendance at council meetings

Meetings will remain available to the public via live stream, and community submissions can be made in writing. The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.

Pictures from Cr Michael Leaney Facebook page.


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