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Lindenow South Primary students help plan native plants for platypus habitat along Mitchell River

Lindenow South Primary School students, aided by East Gippsland CMA, planted native plants for platypus habitat along Mitchell River's banks near Wuk Wuk. Funded by Victoria, the project supports local platypus populations.

By news@gippsland - 1st July 2024 - Back to News

Lindenow South Primary School students rolled up their sleeves, donned their gloves and planted plants for platypus along the banks of the Mitchell River. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has recently placed a series of instream wood structures in the Mitchell River near Wuk Wuk. These structures will provide many functions that aim to benefit platypus populations by providing food and shelter.

Lindenow South Primary School students planting native plants on the banks of the Mitchell River

Lindenow South Primary School students planting native plants on the banks of the Mitchell River

Victorian government funds

Funding for this project, provided by the Victorian Government, is to help highlight the conservation status of platypus in Victoria, particularly in locations likely to provide refuge for the species under a changing climate. Prior to site selections, eDNA sampling was conducted to confirm the presence of platypus in this section of the Mitchell River.

"This was important to ensure that the habitat was being placed in a location where the species already exists. The enhanced habitat will provide support for this existing population," said Bec Hemming, East Gippsland CMA's CEO.

Lindenow South Primary School students with EGCMA staff following a successful planting day on the banks of the Mitchell River

Lindenow South Primary School students with EGCMA staff following a successful planting day on the banks of the Mitchell River

Students enhance platypus habitat

The students from Lindenow South Primary School have been researching platypus, and there isn't much they don't know about the species they are helping to protect. Following a presentation by Wildlife Unlimited to enhance their already strong knowledge of the species, sporting gumboots, they marched on down to the riverbanks to plant native plants just above the newly installed habitat structures.

Once this vegetation is established, it will complement the habitat structures by providing a whole range of benefits. Some of these benefits include reducing sediment runoff into the:

  • River
  • Improving water quality
  • Providing habitat for terrestrial animals
  • Food for aquatic animals
  • Shade for the water, which helps control water temperature during the hotter months

This hands-on educational experience for the students not only enriches their understanding of platypus but also ensures a safer and more inviting environment for one of nature's unique creatures.

Pictures from East Gippsland CMA website.


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