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Committee for Gippsland and GCCN launched the Gippsland Offshore Wind Alliance at the 2024 conference

The Gippsland Offshore Wind Alliance launched at the 2024 Gippsland New Energy Conference, uniting local leaders and communities to drive renewable energy, regional jobs, and investment through offshore wind projects.

By news@gippsland - 4th September 2024 - Back to News

The Committee for Gippsland (C4G) and the Gippsland Climate Change Network (GCCN) have joined forces with Gippsland offshore wind proponents to officially launch the Gippsland Offshore Wind Alliance (the Alliance) at the 2024 Gippsland New Energy Conference. The launch was attended by Minister for Climate Change and Energy, the Hon Chris Bowen, and Senator for Victoria, Dr Jess Walsh.

From left to right: C4G Board Member Leigh Kennedy, C4G CEO Tony Cantwell, C4G Board Member Erin Coldham, Minister Chris Bowen, C4G Deputy Chair Lisa Gooding, and Senator Jess Walsh

From left to right: C4G Board Member Leigh Kennedy, C4G CEO Tony Cantwell, C4G Board Member Erin Coldham, Minister Chris Bowen, C4G Deputy Chair Lisa Gooding, and Senator Jess Walsh

Gippsland leads renewables

Senator Walsh said, The Gippsland community is bringing generations of energy experience to back offshore wind. I was proud to stand alongside the Alliance for their launch today. As a Senator for Victoria, to see Gippsland leading the way in renewable energy is incredible. It's communities like these here in Gippsland who will power our renewable energy future, benefitting the region and the country."

C4G CEO Tony Cantwell and GCCN CEO Darren McCubbin said they were pleased to host Minister Bowen and Senator Walsh at the launch of this important partnership for the region. "Offshore wind presents a remarkable opportunity to create new jobs, boost Victoria's manufacturing and supply chains, increase regional investment, and contribute to Australia's net-zero goals."

"As Australia's first offshore wind zone leading the establishment of the sector in Australia, Gippsland can be the exemplar to other regions undergoing transition on best practice in regional engagement, collaboration and advocacy. A key focus for the Alliance is to encourage a local offshore wind industry that proactively engages with local communities, realises job and other economic opportunities, involves local suppliers and creates a positive legacy for Gippsland," Mr Cantwell said.

Gippsland home alliance

The Alliance aims to bring together a broad and diverse group of partners including representatives of Traditional Owner groups, industry, community and regional leaders, local government, government agencies, unions and trade and labour councils - all positive influencers towards Gippsland leading offshore wind in Australia. The Alliance Co-Chair, GCCN CEO Darren McCubbin called on local groups and organisations to get on board if they want to see an offshore wind sector progress for the region.

"GCCN was an early believer in Gippsland's offshore wind opportunity, recognising the many benefits the sector has generated in other parts of the world in countries across Asia, the UK, the US and Europe," Mr McCubbin said. We're excited as supporters of the environmental and climate movement to be partnering with industry and other stakeholders to make offshore wind a reality for Gippsland."

"With Victorian government targets in place for offshore wind and 12 licenced projects, now is the time to double down and keep the momentum and investment interest in the region, while putting Gippsland on the world stage," he said. For more information, contact Or to register your interest, visit Gippsland Offshore Wind Alliance website.

Pictures from Committee for Gippsland website.


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