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Commonwealth Games cancellation cost of $380m and claims of concealed financial mismanagement puts Andrews Labor government under scrutiny

Mr. Cameron accuses Labor of evading responsibility for the costly Commonwealth Games cancellation, suggesting the true cost is much higher. He calls for inquiries and criticises the government's broken promises.

By news@gippsland - 21st August 2023 - Back to News

Premier Daniel Andrews and Deputy Premier Jacinta Allan must face the music after it was revealed Labor's Commonwealth Games cancellation will cost Victorians at least $380m. The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, said Labor was continuing to cover up the true extent of its financial mismanagement by including a gag clause in the settlement contract.

Victorians deserve answers for Labor's costly decisions amid a cost-of-living crisis. Broken promises erode trust; citizens bear the consequences

Victorians deserve answers for Labor's costly decisions amid a cost-of-living crisis. Broken promises erode trust; citizens bear the consequences

Costly games cancellation

Mr Cameron said, "In typical form, Labor is continuing to shirk responsibility and leaving hardworking Victorians to foot the bill because of its own incompetence. The CEO of Commonwealth Games Australia confirmed Labor's costs of $6 to $7 billion were grossly exaggerated, and we can safely assume it will cost Victorians far more than $380m to bail the Premier and Deputy Premier out of this debacle."

"If Labor has nothing to hide, then Daniel Andrews and Jacinta Allan must face both the federal and state inquiries into their cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. At the very least, Victorians deserve answers about why Labor has ignored the advice of experts and set them up with a bill for hundreds of millions of dollars - in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis."

"This is $380 million that could have been spent on bricks and mortar to address the housing and homelessness crisis sweeping the Latrobe Valley. Labor simply cannot be believed any longer as it continues to break promises because of its own incompetence. Victorians continue to be punished by a tired, corrupt and incompetent government," he said.

Pictures from Latrobe Valley Authority Facebook page.


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