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Homelessness surges in Eastern Victoria as Andrews Labor government faces accusations of broken promises

Andrews government cancelled Commonwealth Games, spotlighting Victoria's housing crisis. Labor was criticised for vague promises, 24% homelessness surge, rising costs, and alleged data distortion in Eastern Victoria.

By news@gippsland - 20th July 2023 - Back to News

The Andrews government's shambolic cancellation of the Commonwealth Games has further highlighted Victoria's public housing crisis and Labor's inability to respond to it. In response to questioning in parliament by The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath in March on repurposing village accommodation, The Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Harriet Shing said, "post games, we will be repurposing the athletes accommodation" and it will "deliver long term accommodation for people with a variety of needs."

Analysis indicates urgent need for increased social and affordable housing in key locations to reduce homelessness and promote independence

Analysis indicates urgent need for increased social and affordable housing in key locations to reduce homelessness and promote independence

Housing crisis critique

Ms Bath said, "The Premier and Minister Shing this week stood in front of the media and reneged on the Commonwealth Games contract - how can anyone believe anything Labor says over social housing? This is a Premier who is not to be believed - he's been caught out in a web of lies over the Commonwealth Games and people are justifiably sceptical that the 1300 social and affordable houses will come to fruition."

"Given the housing and homelessness crisis in eastern Victoria - it's disgraceful that the Andrews government cares more about headlines than human beings. Homelessness has grown by 24 per cent in Victoria under Labor, and too many Victorians are floundering for years on the government's housing waitlist, desperate for a place to call home."

"Individuals and families are stuck in a cycle of unsuitable transitional housing options including homelessness, sleeping rough, couch surfing, boarding houses, or crisis accommodation - Labor's use of the word 'legacy' is disingenuous," she said.

Property crisis impact

The number of homeless people in the Eastern Victoria region is increasing, with eight state electorates featuring in the state's top 50 - Pakenham, Morwell, Narracan, Gippsland South, Nepean, Hastings, Evelyn, and Mornington. With Gippsland East featuring in the top 20 for homelessness in regional Victoria.

Ms Bath said the rise in property prices, cost of living and interest rates and have pushed many to breaking point. "People need to see bricks and mortar, not false promises from a tired and incompetent Premier. Given the growth of homelessness in eastern Victoria, the region must receive its fair share of the $1 billion Regional Housing Fund in the wake of the Games decision."

"The Andrews government deliberately distorts the facts about public housing by refusing to disclose the number of public homes it's sold off or demolished - a stocktake on the state's public housing hasn't been released for over two years. Labor has categorically failed to make head roads into the public housing waitlist - the Premier's spin is failing to build a safe and secure roof over people's heads," Ms Bath said.

Pictures from Anglicare Victoria website.


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