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Fire Rescue Victoria vaccine mandates post-Covid still enforced keeping 30 firefighters face excluded

Russell Broadbent condemns Fire Rescue Victoria's ongoing vaccine mandates despite the end of the Covid-19 emergency, highlights the risk assessment acknowledging vaccine side effects.

By news@gippsland - 17th November 2023 - Back to News

Fire Rescue Victoria is the last firefighting agency in Australia enforcing Covid vaccine mandates. On 20 October 2023 the Commonwealth government conceded the Covid-19 emergency response was over. Meanwhile, there are still 30 mandated professional fire-fighters who've been locked out of their stations for more than two years because they refused to take an experimental vaccine.

The government declared the end of the Covid-19 emergency response on October 20, 2023, but 30 firefighters face ongoing exclusion for vaccine refusal

The government declared the end of the Covid-19 emergency response on October 20, 2023, but 30 firefighters face ongoing exclusion for vaccine refusal

Mandate concerns highlight

This is senseless, it's illogical and it's inhumane. But here's the clincher. Fire Rescue Victoria's own risk assessment acknowledges the risk of Covid-19 vaccination side effects - including myocarditis, pericarditis and thrombocytopenia - may lead to severe injury or even death.

So, the FRV is responding to an emergency that is officially over, by mandating an injection that doesn't stop the virus, while acknowledging the injection itself may harm or even kill the recipient. If this risk assessment doesn't vindicate the stance taken by these firies, what does?
FRV produced this Risk Assessment in May 2023, yet it took an FOI request for these FRV firies to get a copy.

This risk assessment 100% vindicates the firies who are still being threatened & punished for speaking out against the mandates. But it's also a chilling admission for the colleagues who took the vaccine - especially those who are now on Workcover after suffering severe injuries following the jab. This is a blight on our nation - it's unjust and an absolute disgrace.

Pictures from Fire Rescue Victoria Facebook page.


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