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Victorian Labor government limits local input on renewable energy increases lack of transparency and reduces community involvement

Victorian Labor government limits local input on renewable energy projects, prioritising them as "significant economic development" for speedy approval. Tim Bull opposes, expressing concerns over transparency and community involvement.

By news@gippsland - 15th March 2024 - Back to News

The Victorian Labor government will not allow local community input into renewable energy projects. New laws announced last week deem these proposals as "significant economic development" that will be fast-tracked for approval. Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, said this had removed the opportunity for local community members to voice any concerns they have with individual projects.

Tim Bull argues against the removal of planning panel process and third-party appeals, emphasising the need for balanced community involvement

Tim Bull argues against the removal of planning panel process and third-party appeals, emphasising the need for balanced community involvement

Vital community input

Mr Bull said, "The changes remove the planning panel process, as well as third-party appeals at VCAT and, while I understand they do not want projects being delayed unnecessarily, you cannot remove the right of people to have a say on what goes on in their backyard. There needs to be a balance applied to this, not removing the rights of local communities. There are ways to expedite a decision but still have a process to listen to local concerns," he said.

"People have legitimate concerns with solar farms and wind farms in proximity to where they live. Some of these will be 'not in my backyard' (NIMBY) opposition where the people say they support renewables, just not near me - but this process rules out those with legitimate concerns."

"Here we have a Premier who trumpets transparency, but her actions do not support her rhetoric. She is boasting about these changes, which give communities less say. There was a better way of doing this and the Premier has chosen not to go down that path, but rather shut out local voices in what is another example of the regions being ignored," Mr Bull said.

Pictures from Tim Bull MP website.


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