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Campaign to underway install a permanent disability hoist in Lakes Entrance to facilitate boating activities for individuals with disabilities

Efforts are underway to install a permanent disability hoist in Lakes Entrance to support boating for people with disabilities. Tim Bull highlights its importance for tourism inclusivity.

By news@gippsland - 9th October 2023 - Back to News

A push has commenced for the installation of a permanent disability hoist in Lakes Entrance to support boating recreation for those with a disability. Gippsland East Nationals MP and Shadow Minister for Disability, Tim Bull, said such a facility was overdue in a tourist town like Lakes Entrance.

Nationals MP for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, pictured at North Arm, where a boating disability hoist is needed to improve on-water access for those with a disability

Nationals MP for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, pictured at North Arm, where a boating disability hoist is needed to improve on-water access for those with a disability

Enhancing boating accessibility

Mr Bull said, "I was recently approached by a disability service provider who has a local wheelchair bound client whose passions are boating and fishing. However, without a hoist in the town, it was problematic. Lakes Entrance relies heavily on its booming tourism industry, and it needs to be an attractive destination for all."

Mr Bull said he had approached both Better Boating Victoria and East Gippsland Shire and was hopeful and optimistic the hoist would be installed in the not-too-distant future. "I think one of the boat ramps in North Arm would be the ideal location as it would be best located in a launching area for obvious reasons," he said.

Pictures from Tim Bull MP website.


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