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Labor shuts down Regional Roads Victoria, abandoning critical road safety projects, says Martin Cameron

The Nationals' Martin Cameron criticises Labor's closure of Regional Roads Victoria, accusing the government of neglecting regional road safety, stalling critical projects, and underfunding maintenance, endangering rural communities.

By news@gippsland - 3rd October 2024 - Back to News

The Allan Labor Government has covertly shut down Regional Roads Victoria in a move that shows it has officially abandoned its duty of care for roads outside of Melbourne, according to The Nationals' Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron. The Regional Roads Victoria website has been taken offline and was replaced by a "Transport Victoria" website in August, and the phone line is dead.

Mega city projects have exceeded budgets by over $40 billion, while reduced road funding jeopardises regional road safety, with resurfacing works cut by two-thirds since 2020, endangering rural communities

Mega city projects have exceeded budgets by over $40 billion, while reduced road funding jeopardises regional road safety, with resurfacing works cut by two-thirds since 2020, endangering rural communities

Regional roads abandoned

Launched by the former Minister for Roads in 2018, Regional Roads Victoria was touted as an agency that would ensure "regional communities have the safe and reliable roads they deserve". Documents obtained by the Opposition under Freedom of Information also reveal that Labor skimmed $1.57 million from a federal BlackSpot Program fund that was meant to improve safety on regional roads.

The last remaining government-owned road maintenance firm, Sprayline Road Services, is also being prepared for sale. "By dumping Regional Roads Victoria, Labor has sent a clear message that it was never serious about improving roads and road safety for regional Victorians There are several critical road projects across the Latrobe Valley that have stalled under Labor, and now we're left with the impression they've been abandoned altogether," Mr Cameron said.

Promised upgrades uncertain

Mr Cameron also said, "Residents have been campaigning for works to begin at the Bank Street intersection in Traralgon and the Waterloo Road-Lloyd Street level crossing in Moe - are these long-promised upgrades going to be dumped too? Mega city projects have blown out by more than $40 billion, and it's the taxpayers who bear the costs, and they'll bear the costs again of Regional Roads Victoria shutting down."

"Road maintenance funding is 16 per cent less than it was in 2020 and the amount of road resurfacing works this year will drop by two-thirds. The chronic under-spending across regional Victoria is having dire consequences on our roads, and ultimately the safety of regional Victorians is being compromised. Labor can't manage money, can't manage regional roads, and Victorians are paying the price.," Mr Cameron said.

Pictures from Martin Cameron MP Facebook page.


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