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Giant Playgroup Event A Giant Success

Giant Playgroup Event A Giant Success

Giant Playgroup Event A Giant Success

Nine playgroups from across Latrobe City came together recently to meet one another, share a favourite activity, learn a new game or two, and have a fun time with children aged birth to five.

By Latrobe City - 10th July 2014 - Back to News

Latrobe City Council’s mayor, Councillor Sharon Gibson, said that the event was the first of its kind in the municipality and was huge success.

"The idea behind the event was to provide a place for community and supported playgroups to come together and strengthen the network that already exists among them. Best Start Partnership and Playgroup Victoria worked together with the support of Latrobe City Council and Djillay Lidji Best Start to run the event.

"Playgroup is the natural link for families and young children between Maternal Child Health and Early Learning and Care services. It is a place where parents and families stay and play and it’s not all about the children. It’s important for parents to make friends and develop their own skills and confidence. Playgroup is also affordable and accessible and there are more than 33 playgroups operating in Latrobe City," Cr Gibson said.

"There is also a growing diversity in our local playgroups. Just this year, a Dad’s Playgroup kicked off in Moe, joining other specialist playgroups for Koorie families, premature babies, young parents, and families and children with specific support needs.

"There are no rules as to what a playgroup is or who goes along. It is a place for very young children and babies to have play time with their peers, and for families to dedicate some play time with their young children. So if you haven’t already found a playgroup to join, maybe now is the time," Cr Gibson concluded.

For more information about playgroups in Latrobe City or how you can start your own playgroup, either visit or email


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