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Darren Chester pushes for 110km/hr speed limit on upgraded Princes Highway in Gippsland to boost productivity and improve travel

Darren Chester, Federal Member for Gippsland, advocates increasing the speed limit to 110km/hr on completed sections of the Princes Highway East Upgrade between Sale and Traralgon, enhancing productivity and travel efficiency.

By news@gippsland - 25th June 2024 - Back to News

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester is calling for a faster speed limit of 110km/hr on the open sections of the road between Sale and Traralgon as the final stage of the Princes Highway duplication project nears completion. After 15 years, the $513 million Princes Highway East Upgrade is almost completed, with works expected to conclude before Christmas.

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester is calling for a faster speed limit of 110km/hr on the open sections of the road between Sale and Traralgon to match similar highways around Victoria and boost productivity

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester is calling for a faster speed limit of 110km/hr on the open sections of the road between Sale and Traralgon to match similar highways around Victoria and boost productivity

Increase highway speed

Mr Chester said, "The full productivity benefits of this project will be achieved by increasing the speed limit, which will benefit travel times for locals, visitors and the transport sector. The previous federal government provided 80% of the funding for this work, and I've written to the relevant Minister to request an increase in the speed limit when the project is completed."

Delivered in three stages, the Princes Highway East Upgrade adds 43 km of new dual lanes to the Princes Highway between Traralgon and Sale. Stages one and two have added 31 kilometres of new dual lanes and improved 22 intersections on the Princes Highway. The third and final stage will complete the final 12 kilometres of dual lanes and deliver additional safety improvements.

With the highway's significant safety upgrades benefiting 15,000 motorists who use this stretch of road daily, Mr Chester said the speed limit should be increased to match similar highways around Victoria.

Safer, faster highway

Mr Chester also said, "The Princes Highway duplication project was always intended to improve safety and productivity while reducing travel times for locals and visitors to our region. A revised speed limit of 110km/hr on the open sections of road would be consistent with other sections of similar highways in Victoria."

"The duplicated roads, improved intersections and additional safety improvements will save lives while increasing the speed limit to 110km/hr will help improve productivity and reduce travel times. A better, safer, more productive Princes Highway will make a huge difference for local residents, freight operators and the visitor economy."

"I have worked on the Princes Highway East Upgrade project throughout my entire parliamentary career and am looking forward to a safer and more efficient transport route linking two of our region's biggest towns," Mr Chester concluded.

Pictures from Darren Chester MP website.


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