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Labor government prioritises the $200B Suburban Rail Loop, neglecting Eastern Victoria needs, says Melina Bath

Labor government is neglecting Eastern Victoria's infrastructure needs while advancing the $200 billion Suburban Rail Loop. Melina Bath criticised the lack of regional investment and demanded answers from the Minister for Regional Development.

By news@gippsland - 16th September 2024 - Back to News

Infrastructure across Eastern Victoria is being ignored by the Allan Labor Government as it pushes ahead with its controversial $200 billion Suburban Rail Loop. The Nationals' Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath said regional Victorians are being shortchanged by Labor leaving our health system, schools, roads and community safety underfunded. In State Parliament, Ms Bath called on Labor's Minister for Regional Development to explain why regional Victoria receives about 10 percent of the infrastructure investment despite being 25 percent of Victoria's population.

'Instead of pouring billions into city-based infrastructure projects, the focus must switch to supporting regional Victorians and delivering its' fair share,' says Melina Bath

'Instead of pouring billions into city-based infrastructure projects, the focus must switch to supporting regional Victorians and delivering its' fair share,' says Melina Bath

Regional needs ignored

The Minister failed to answer the question and could not explain why communities across Eastern Victoria were continually overlooked. Ms Bath's question came after the CEO of G21 Geelong Region Alliance, Giulia Baggio, called out the $200 billion Suburban Rail Loop for taking vital investment from regional communities. Ms Bath said the Minister's attempt to appear outraged was simply an attempt to draw attention away from the reality that the Allan Labor Government continues to ignore the needs and priorities of regional Victorians.

"Instead of pouring billions into city-based infrastructure projects, the focus must switch to supporting regional Victorians and delivering its fair share. The Suburban Rail Loop stands as an example of Labor putting their own political legacy ahead of regional communities, and how out of touch they are amidst a cost of living crisis.

"The Nationals will always remain committed to regional communities and fight for better health services, improved access to housing and safer roads. Labor can't manage money and regional Victorians are paying the price," said Ms Bath.

Pictures from Melina Bath MP Facebook page.


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