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Darren Chester welcomes the Royal Commission's recommendations on defence and veteran suicide

Darren Chester welcomes the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide report. Considers its recommendations carefully, recognizing the need for ongoing support and improvement for the defence and veteran community.

By news@gippsland - 12th September 2024 - Back to News

I welcome the conclusion of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, which was initiated when I was Minister for Veterans' Affairs. I have enormous respect for the men and women who continue to keep us safe in a challenging world, and I will carefully consider the recommendations and the details of the report. The release of the Royal Commission report is a difficult time for our defence and veteran community, and it challenges us all to do better.

The release of the Royal Commission report is a difficult time for our defence and veteran community, and it challenges us all to do better, says Darren Chester

The release of the Royal Commission report is a difficult time for our defence and veteran community, and it challenges us all to do better, says Darren Chester

Support veterans' transition

Throughout my time as Minister, I was very conscious of the need for respectful engagement with our Australian Defence Force personnel and the wider veteran community. I regard it as the highlight of my public life to have had the opportunity to help our veterans and their families as they transitioned from defence to civilian life, and I know there's more work to be done.

The system is a long way from perfect, but help is available for veterans experiencing physical or mental challenges, and we need to ensure it is delivered in a timely manner on behalf of a grateful nation. When help is needed, it must be provided. I have regularly expressed the view that the only acceptable level of suicide was zero, and I was determined to work in a constructive manner with DVA and the ex-service community to find solutions that worked.

Support for veterans

It remains an enduring challenge to ensure our service personnel are well supported to train well, serve with distinction, and then transition successfully to civilian life. If we are going to attract some of the brightest and best Australians to serve in uniform, the conditions of service must reflect the enormous responsibilities that come with the task.

The men and women I have met in uniform are among the finest Australians in the nation and possess a level of patriotism and a sense of service, which is a credit to them and their loved ones. I will continue to work closely with serving personnel and veterans in Gippsland as we deliver services that provide support if it is required.

Pictures from Darren Chester MP website.


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