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Never disclose banking details over phone as scammers run rampant in Gippsland urged by Russell Broadbent

Australia, heed the warning: Scammers run rampant, causing financial loss. Government and banks stand by to assist. Never disclose banking details over phone. Let's unite to thwart scammers.

By news@gippsland - 14th February 2024 - Back to News

Australia, listen to me. There is a scourge that is running across this country, and it is unabated. It is scamming. In my circle alone I have one very sensible couple who were scammed of $100,000 through giving information they thought they were giving to their bank. For another friend it was $40,000.

Australia, beware, a widespread scamming scourge persists, claiming victims even among sensible, hardworking individuals, causing substantial financial losses nationwide

Australia, beware, a widespread scamming scourge persists, claiming victims even among sensible, hardworking individuals, causing substantial financial losses nationwide

Protection against scammers

These aren't people who are elderly or frail; they are people who have common sense. They are reasonable, they are hardworking and they're losing money right across this country. For heaven 's sake, Australia, listen.

The government will do all it can to help you. The bank will do all it can to help you. But please, I beg you: do not give information about your bank to people over the phone. If it is your bank, they know all the information. If it is your local branch ringing, they know all your information. They don't need more.

They don't need the number of your bank account. Please. This is everywhere, and it seems to be unsolvable and that the scammers are winning. From this day on, I want Australians to begin winning and stopping the scammers in their tracks.

Pictures from ABC News ( Australia ) YouTube channel.


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