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Liberal Nationals support move to deliver hundreds of extra workers for Victoria's under-resourced mental health workforce

Government needs to boost mental health support through simple reforms to get them through the lockdowns.

By news@gippsland - 9th September 2021 - Back to News

The Andrews Labor Government is being urged to support simple reforms that will immediately deliver hundreds of extra workers for Victoria's under-resourced mental health workforce.

Mental Health Practitioners are ongoing employees based in Victorian Government secondary schools, they work flexibly, based on the needs and priorities of their schools and students

Mental Health Practitioners are ongoing employees based in Victorian Government secondary schools, they work flexibly, based on the needs and priorities of their schools and students

Mental health act that covers the workers

As Labor's six lockdowns continue to weigh on the youngest Victorians, now more than ever we need to look for ways to deliver an immediate boost to the mental health workforce in our schools.

An anomaly in the current legislation prevents people who are qualified as counsellors from offering guidance counselling services at Victorian schools. The Liberal Nationals will introduce a Private Member's Bill in State Parliament today to correct the definition of a 'mental health practitioner' under the Mental Health Act. Registered psychologists, registered nurses, social workers and registered occupational therapists are already covered by the Act.

Supporting students across the state

The Liberal Nationals propose to expand this definition to include registered counsellors, unlocking over 2,000 additional mental health workers to support students right across the state. Backed by the Australian Counselling Association, this is a small change that will make a world of difference to young Victorians by ensuring the right support is available, when they need it.

The proposal further builds on the Liberal Nationals' plan to restore hope and to plan for better mental health for all Victorians, including by deploying dedicated mental health specialists to all Victorian schools.

Getting through lockdowns

Shadow Minister for Mental Health Emma Kealy said, "Our kids can't afford to wait any longer for more specialist support to help them and get through the isolation of lockdown."

"The mental health workforce is under intense pressure and in desperate need of more resources. This common-sense reform will unlock more mental health workers to provide the surge demand we need to deal with Victoria's shadow pandemic, which makes a world of difference to our youngest Victorians,"

"This common-sense reform will unlock more mental health workers to provide the surge demand we need to deal with Victoria's shadow pandemic, which makes a world of difference to our youngest Victorians." Ms Kealy said.

Pictures from Education Victoria website.


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