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Ian Vernon, Neil and Jan Hamilton acknowledges for dedication as Fish Creek CFA volunteers by Melina Bath

In state parliament, Melina Bath, Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria, honours Fish Creek CFA volunteers Neil Hamilton (50 years), Jan Hamilton (30 years), and Ian Vernon (10 years) for their invaluable service.

By news@gippsland - 6th March 2024 - Back to News

Ninety years of dedicated service by three Fish Creek CFA volunteers was recognised in state parliament by The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath. Ms Bath paid tribute to CFA volunteers Neil Hamilton for achieving 50 years of service, Jan Hamilton for 30 years of service and Ian Vernon for 10 years of service, acknowledging their important work as first responders and keeping Victorians safe.

With Neil Hamilton's 50 years, Jan Hamilton's 30 years, and Ian Vernon's 10 years of service, their collective wisdom benefits Fish Creek and Gippsland

With Neil Hamilton's 50 years, Jan Hamilton's 30 years, and Ian Vernon's 10 years of service, their collective wisdom benefits Fish Creek and Gippsland

Neil's distinguished service

Ms Bath said, "Our valued CFA volunteers protect country communities, responding to bushfire emergencies and complex rescues involving road accidents, high angles, and searches. They epitomise the spirit of selfless professionalism and care deeply about protecting regional communities."

Speaking on Neil Hamilton, Ms Bath passionately outlined Neil's impressive firefighting track record including participating in most of the major bushfires on the east coast since 1970. "Having started with Fish Creek Brigade in 1967 Neil has filled most positions in the local brigade including an 18 year stint as Captain," she said.

Jan and Neil's philanthropy

Ms Bath also said, "Together with wife Jan, Neil has continued to coordinate the brigade's Royal Children's Hospital Appeal for 39 years. Jan is an active member of the CFA Auxiliary and has an impressive volunteer track record in her own right."

"Volunteering as the Fish Creek and the South Gippsland groups Communication Officer for over 30 years - Jan dedicates her time manning the CFA's radio 24/7 to ensure prompt turn out and accurate messaging during emergencies," she said. Their collective wisdom and experience both on and off the fireground is an invaluable asset to Fish Creek and our wider Gippsland communities.

Pictures from Melina Bath MP Facebook page.


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