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Early fire preparation needed as emergency authorities warn of impending intense Victorian bushfire season for 2023

Victorians are encouraged to stay alert and prepared on an early fire risk due to warm and dry weather conditions.

By news@gippsland - 3rd October 2023 - Back to News

This year we are being warned that we face an intense bushfire season and the time for preparation is now. In recent days we have seen fierce bushfires across Gippsland. With the official start of summer still eight weeks away, it's a timely warning for all of us to refresh our fire survival plans and stay vigilant. A combination of warm, dry weather and high fuel loads has prompted emergency authorities to put much of eastern Victoria on increased alert.

Alerts due to warm, dry conditions and abundant fuel. Despite rain forecasts, AFAC and the Bureau warn of an early fire risk due to the first dry spring since 2020

Alerts due to warm, dry conditions and abundant fuel. Despite rain forecasts, AFAC and the Bureau warn of an early fire risk due to the first dry spring since 2020

Plan and prepare apps

Despite a heavy rain forecast this week, both the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) and the Bureau of Meteorology have warned that we will have the first dry spring since 2020 - leading to an increased risk of fires earlier in the season. These organisations do not issue these warnings lightly.

I encourage everyone to download the VicEmergency App and tune into emergency radio broadcasts if an event is live. You can find your emergency broadcaster at the Official Emergency Broadcasters in Victoria website.

Stay alert and informed - have your bushfire plans updated and ready. You can use resources such as the CFA website Plan & Prepare page and the Red Cross' Get Prepared App to help you develop your plan in advance. Hopefully you won't need to use it.

Pictures from Country Fire Authority website.


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