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Growing numbers of Australians injured by Covid-19 vaccines feel ignored as compensation scheme nears its end

Covid-19 vaccine injuries have impacted thousands of Australians, leaving many suffering and ignored. With the compensation scheme ending, it's crucial for the vax-injured to share their stories for support.

By news@gippsland - 24th September 2024 - Back to News

Covid-19 vaccine injuries have taken a toll on thousands of Australians and their families - and many are still suffering and struggling with the impacts. Over the weekend, the Daily Mail reported on two women who've suffered horrific vaccine injuries. It's clear from the comments online, that there's a growing groundswell of vax-injured Australians that are rightly fed up with being ignored and abandoned.

Thousands of Australians are suffering from vaccine injuries, feeling ignored as the compensation scheme ends. It's time for their voices to be heard and supported

Thousands of Australians are suffering from vaccine injuries, feeling ignored as the compensation scheme ends. It's time for their voices to be heard and supported

Vaccine injury compensation

The covid compensation scheme was supposed to be a quick and easy-to-access safety net - because the government acknowledged that there were risks - they just didn't advertise it, no doubt convinced by the safe and effective mantra. I'm not sure why the mainstream media are now suddenly prepared to right the wrongs and give the vax-injured a voice, but as people around me know - timing's everything.

So, today, with the compensation scheme set to cease next Monday, I urge anyone who's been injured by the vaccines, to call and email your local Members of Parliament and flood mainstream media with your stories. You can email the Daily Mail directly at

Australians trusted the government to protect them with a so-called 'safe and effective' vaccine, and help them if anything went wrong. But that's not what's happening. I've said it before and I will say it again - the cruel and callous treatment of our vaccine injured has all the hallmarks of the robo debt tragedies. Vax injured Australians deserve better.

Pictures from Victorian Department of Health Facebook page.


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