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East Gippsland Shire Council calls on Andrews Labor government for speedy resolution on native timber harvesting

The Supreme Court judgement has had a significant impact on native timber harvesting in East Gippsland and is placing significant pressure on local businesses, families and communities.

By news@gippsland - 11th November 2022 - Back to News

East Gippsland Council is extremely concerned about the future of the industry, and the ongoing impact to local communities.The local communities have no influence over the decision. In line with our Native Timber Harvesting in East Gippsland position paper, we urge the Victorian Government to ensure there is immediate and adequate support for harvest and haulage contractors, the affected workers and, importantly, the businesses that support the native timber harvesting contractors.

East Gippsland Council calls on the Victorian government adopt a vision for a future native forest logging industry in East Gippsland

East Gippsland Council calls on the Victorian government adopt a vision for a future native forest logging industry in East Gippsland

We look forward to speedy resolution of the issues that have given rise to this latest stand down. A number of communities in East Gippsland are dependent on timber harvesting and timber processing. There is a future for a native forest logging industry in East Gippsland based on high value, low volume harvesting that results in better environmental outcomes while maintaining an industry.

Pictures from East Gippsland Shire Council website.


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