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Melina Bath presented a petition with 600 signatures for Lang Lang's safety, criticising Labor's police funding cuts

The Nationals' Melina Bath has presented a petition with nearly 600 signatures to improve safety in Lang Lang, calling for increased police presence and CCTV funding. She criticised Labor's cuts to policing resources.

By news@gippsland - 12th September 2024 - Back to News

The Nationals' Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath has tabled a petition in state parliament calling on the Allan government to improve community safety in Lang Lang. The petition bearing almost 600 signatures, calls for greater police presence and funding for CCTV, to deter antisocial behaviour.

The Lang Lang community is frustrated after Labor Minister for Police and Community Safety dismissed their safety concerns despite overwhelming evidence

The Lang Lang community is frustrated after Labor Minister for Police and Community Safety dismissed their safety concerns despite overwhelming evidence

Increased crime concerns

Ms Bath congratulated the community for their outstanding advocacy on public safety, thanking the many local businesses which supported the petition. "There is indisputable evidence that the town is in dire need for more officers on the street and funding for the permanent installation of CCTV in the civic precinct. In the past nine years recorded criminal offences have increased by 174 percent, yet Labor is continuing to cut policing resources."

Ms Bath said community safety concerns were not isolated to Lang Lang, with other Cardinia Shire communities also experiencing an alarming increase in crime. "It is most concerning that in the last year the total offences recorded went up by 13.3 percent in this local government area."

"With Labor's further funding cuts to police resources, the extent of criminal and antisocial activity is likely to be underrepresented in communities like Lang Lang and Koo Wee Rup. Listening to locals, it is clear that opportunistic criminals take advantage of the fact that police are often an hour away and response times are delayed," she said.

Labor's community safety

Ms Bath said through the community's stance and The Nationals' advocacy in state parliament, Labor is well aware of this issue. "The Police Minister's appalling claim that the town is well supported by a station located in Emerald is in direct conflict with residents' experiences."

"Right across regional Victoria there's a need for more frontline police - all Victorians deserve to be safe in their homes, at work, and on the street. Labor can't manage money, can't manage community safety and regional Victorians are paying the price," said Ms Bath.

Pictures from Melina Bath MP Facebook page.


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