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East Gippsland Council's executive team complete with Chris Stephenson as General Manager Place and Community

East Gippsland Shire Council's new executive leadership team is complete with Chris Stephenson appointed as General Manager Place and Community. CEO Fiona Weigall is excited about this final addition to the team.

By news@gippsland - 21st August 2024 - Back to News

The final piece of East Gippsland Shire Council's new executive leadership team is now in place with the appointment of a well credentialed local. Chief Executive Officer Fiona Weigall said she was excited to have finalised the executive with Chris Stephenson starting as the new General Manager Place and Community last week. "Since my appointment as CEO in April, working with the executive team we have taken steps to set the organisation up for success and look at how to best support our community," Fiona said.

East Gippsland Shire Council's executive team: Sarah Johnston (General Manager Business Excellence), Stuart McConnell (General Manager Assets and Environment), Fiona Weigall (Chief Executive Officer) and Chris Stephenson (General Manager Place and Community)

East Gippsland Shire Council's executive team: Sarah Johnston (General Manager Business Excellence), Stuart McConnell (General Manager Assets and Environment), Fiona Weigall (Chief Executive Officer) and Chris Stephenson (General Manager Place and Community)

Executive team complete

Fiona said, "Having Chris join our established team is a great addition for the organisation and community, and it completes the executive team. As a team, we look forward to working with the current council as they approach the finish line of what has been a busy four-year term, and helping a new council establish itself quickly to support the community following the October election."

"Our priorities will be on working with the council and the 600 people that work for the organisation to deliver the key priorities of our community as detailed in the Council Plan. We are looking forward to continuing to improve engagement with our communities and key stakeholders; focus on community needs at a place level and ensure we are being easy to engage with," Fiona said.

Meet the team

Chris Stephenson

Chris is making the move from state to local government to take up the General Manager Place and Community role. He was previously the Deputy Emergency Management Commissioner within Emergency Management Victoria. Chris has also held senior roles within the Country Fire Authority; DELWP and DEPI.

Chris has lived locally for most of his life and brings a ready-made understanding and passion for the region. "I am really looking forward to working with the East Gippsland community and the team here at council. It's a fantastic part of Victoria with unique opportunities and challenges," Chris said.

Sarah Johnston

Sarah joined local government in 2023 as General Manager Business Excellence. Sarah is a well-known local person who is connected to the community. Sarah brings experience across finance, business services and strategic policy. This has included East Gippsland Water and in senior leadership roles with DEECA.

"I am very excited to be part of the new executive team as we focus on delivering for the communities I love. It is a real privilege for me to serve the people of East Gippsland as we continue to work together to generate community success," Sarah said.

Stuart McConnell

Stuart has moved into the General Manager Assets and Environment role. Stuart is well known to communities across the shire through his work with council since 2019 as General Manager Place and Community (and Bushfire Recovery). This work included planning, community programs and the response, relief and recovery phases following the 2019-20 bushfires and other emergency events. He has also provided leadership as Acting CEO during this time.

Prior to joining council, Stuart has held senior roles at Murrindindi Shire, DELWP and the EPA. "I am looking forward to continuing to be a part of council's leadership team and to focussing on delivering for and with the East Gippsland community," Stuart said.

Pictures from East Gippsland Shire Council website.


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