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Pressing need for urgent action to combat surging crime rates in Latrobe Valley revealed by recent data

Recent data reveals a pressing need for urgent action to combat the surging crime rates in Latrobe Valley, emphasising the necessity of enhanced police presence and resources, urging the government to address this issue promptly.

By news@gippsland - 22nd December 2023 - Back to News

New data has confirmed urgent intervention is required to address the skyrocketing crime rate in the Latrobe Valley, according to The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron. Figures from the Crime Statistics Agency show criminal incidents in the Latrobe local government area for the year to September 30 are up 13.6% compared with last year. In the town of Morwell, criminal incidents have spiked a massive 25% this year.

Crime Statistics Agency data indicates a 13.6% rise in Latrobe's criminal incidents and a 25% surge specifically in Morwell

Crime Statistics Agency data indicates a 13.6% rise in Latrobe's criminal incidents and a 25% surge specifically in Morwell

Police resource concerns

Mr Cameron said, "These figures are really concerning and highlight the importance of a strong police presence in regional communities. Our police officers have been lobbying the Labor government for improved working conditions and adequate resources for good reason. We have a problem with antisocial and criminal behaviour in town centres and it is having a disastrous impact on small business and community safety."

"This is a very complex and multi-faceted issue, and I acknowledge there are many other contributing societal factors at play, particularly when it comes to young people. Our police are not just law enforcement officers - they conduct youth outreach programs, link with local services to provide referrals, and work tirelessly to support disengaged youth - all these things help build confidence and foster positive relationships and behaviours."

"Last month I met with Police Minister, Anthony Carbines, and highlighted the need for more police and PSO resources across the Latrobe Valley. I hope the Labor government is taking note of these statistics and will take definitive action to address this very real problem," Mr Cameron said.

Pictures from Eyewatch - Latrobe Police Service Area Facebook page.


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