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Baw Baw Shire Council meeting snapshot - Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Council held a meeting on May 15th to review submissions on the 2024/25 budget and related plans. They thanked the community for their input and announced changes to meeting schedules.

By news@gippsland - 15th May 2024 - Back to News

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from council's Wednesday 15 May Council Meeting.

Baw Baw Shire Council meeting snapshot held on 15 May 2024 discussing the submissions on the Budget, Revenue and Rating Plan, and Long Term Infrastructure Plan

Baw Baw Shire Council meeting snapshot held on 15 May 2024 discussing the submissions on the Budget, Revenue and Rating Plan, and Long Term Infrastructure Plan

Budget submissions

Council heard the submissions received on the:

  • Draft Annual Budget 2024-25
  • Revenue and Rating Plan 2024-25
  • Draft Financial Plan 2024/25 - 2033-34
  • Draft Revised Council Plan 2021 - 2025
  • Long Term Infrastructure Plan 2024-25 - 2033-34

Pursuant to Council's Community Engagement Policy 2021. Council thanked the 109 community members who made a submission as part of the 2024 annual budget process.

Council meetings

Baw Baw Shire Council Council Meetings are open to the public and are held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre. Council Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month and commence at 1.00pm for a 6 month trial period.

Following the conclusion of the trial on 30 June 2024, Council will either revert back to twice-monthly Council Meetings at 5.30pm or resolve to continue once-monthly Council Meetings. All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing. The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.

Pictures from Baw Baw Shire Council website.


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