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Age Is No Barrier

Bass Coast Shire Council is encouraging mature-age workers to return to the workforce to meet skills and labour shortages in the region.

By Bass Coast Shire Council - 10th October 2008 - Back to News

Funded by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), Council has contracted Grove Consulting to undertake the project in partnership with Chisholm TAFE – Bass Coast Campus and The Job Find Centre.

Council’s Economic Development Manager, Peter Francis, said the project would identify the benefits of employing mature-age workers and would assist businesses to develop age-friendly workplaces that promoted employment and retention of older workers.

The project also has the capacity to help mature-age workers access information and training.

"Forums that provide information and develop positive local solutions will be held at Chisholm TAFE throughout October and November," Mr Francis said.

"I encourage businesses and people aged over 55 to come and contribute to the discussions and gain more information about the opportunities available to them."

Mr Francis said more employers were recognising the benefits that older workers bring to their organisation.

"Thirty per cent of our resident population is aged over 60," Mr Francis said.

"Many of these people are in good health and have many skills and a desire to continue in the workforce and other community activities."

Mr Francis said some local businesses and organisations were finding it difficult to recruit for vacant positions.

"This project aims to incorporate the wisdom and experience of our aged population into the workforce and provide opportunities for older people to continue in gainful employment," Mr Francis said.

For more information contact Tourism and Economic Development Officer, Roslyn Jenzen, on 1300BCOAST (226 278) or Grove Consulting’s Principal Consultant, Carol Blair, on 5678 5808.


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