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Call for Gippslanders to oppose Allan Labor government forest access restrictions highlighting fire risks and loss of activities

Danny O'Brien, Nationals Member for Gippsland South, urges locals to oppose the Allan Labor government's plan to restrict access to state forests, citing risks of bushfire and loss of traditional activities.

By news@gippsland - 20th June 2024 - Back to News

Gippslanders are being urged to join the fight to prevent the Allan Labor government from locking bush users out of state forests through the creation of new national parks. The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O'Brien is calling on locals to sign an online petition opposing closure of public access to Victoria's state forests.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O'Brien is encouraging Gippslanders to sign an online petition opposing the creation of new national parks

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O'Brien is encouraging Gippslanders to sign an online petition opposing the creation of new national parks

No new parks

Mr O'Brien said, "Locking up public forests not only prevents Gippslanders from enjoying legal, traditional pastimes, but also increases the risk of bushfire. The Allan Labor government must rule out the creation of any new national parks and ensure locals aren't locked out of the bush."

The petition, which has been sponsored by Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Public Land Use and The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath, will be tabled in Parliament later this year. Mr O'Brien said The Nationals strongly support active management of state forests which should include continued support for bush users through continued public access to public land.

Join the petition

Mr O'Brien said, "We love our forests and our natural environment but to continue loving it we must look after it. Good forest management practice does not mean locking people out - locking up public land is not a conservation strategy, it's neglect. The Allan government's appalling environmental policies will only lead to overgrown tracks, increased bushfire risk and a boom in invasive weeds and feral animals."

Mr O'Brien highlighted that the creation of a new national park in Gippsland would make activities such as prospecting, free camping, horse riding, four-wheel driving, trail bike riding, dog walking and hunting illegal. "Public land belongs to the people and should continue to do so." The e-petition can be signed online via Parliament of Victoria website.

Pictures from Danny O'Brien MP website.


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