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Proposed streetscape improvement works in Warragul Queen Street revitalisation begins on mid-January to March 2025

Improvement works will soon begin on Queen Street, Warragul, enhancing pedestrian safety, traffic flow, and accessibility. The project includes footpath upgrades, roundabout renewal, landscaping, and a new public toilet block.

By news@gippsland - 10th January 2025 - Back to News

Works will soon commence to improve pedestrian and traffic safety and accessibility along Queen Street in Warragul between Mason Street and Peace Avenue. In addition to this project, a new toilet block will be provided at Warragul Station Park. The existing toilet will be demolished, and a new toilet block will be built closer to the footpath for accessibility and safety.

The final stage of the Warragul CBD Streetscape Project includes footpath renewal, roundabout upgrades, landscaping, and car park line marking to support local growth

The final stage of the Warragul CBD Streetscape Project includes footpath renewal, roundabout upgrades, landscaping, and car park line marking to support local growth

Public space upgrades

The scope of improvement works include:

  • Renewal of the Queen/Mason Street roundabout
  • Replacement of five elm trees, which were previously removed
  • Renewal of the footpath for improved pedestrian and disability accessibility
  • Addressing existing footpath crossfall issues to enable widening of the shared pathway
  • Providing a widened pathway from the TAFE to the existing Normanby Place shared pathway
  • Implementing kerb outstands and refuge islands at the Queen Street and Gladstone Street intersection to enhance pedestrian and vehicle safety
  • New line-marking, including bike lanes, median and turning lanes
  • New landscaping
  • Replacement of the old public toilet block with a new modern facility located closer to the footpath providing greater accessibility, visibility and improved safety for users

The civil and landscape works, valued at more than $456,000, are being delivered by local contractor Mad Cat Civic Pty Ltd with completion expected during March 2025. The $252,700 project for the toilet block reconstruction is being delivered by local builder James G Morrison Builders with completion expected during May 2025.

Warragul streetscape revitalisation

Baw Baw Shire Mayor Cr Danny Goss said the improvement works marked the ninth and final stage of the overall Warragul CBD Streetscape Project. "Since 2016, the Warragul CBD area has undergone significant change to improve safety, accessibility and traffic flow to best accommodate a growing population and the increased traffic that comes with it. It's great to see the final part of this revitalisation underway, which will see significant benefit to our community", he said.

During construction, council and the contractor will make every effort to minimise noise and impact on the community. At times, some controls will be implemented impacting pedestrians, road traffic access and parking spaces during delivery. For more project information, go to Baw Baw Shire Council website - Queen Street streetscape improvement.

Pictures from Baw Baw Shire Council website.


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