Propharma Australia
Propharma Australia is a dry powder specialists specialising in custom manufacture, particle size reduction, blending and repacking for various industries
About Propharma Australia
Propharma Australia are the dry powder specialists that has been:
- Been manufacturing and providing services for over 40 years
to the:
- Food industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Stockfeed industry
- Veterinary industry
- An excellent reputation for:
- High quality
- Dependability
- A flexible and diverse production capability that allows us to:
- Cater for custom client requests
- Produce at short notice
- Make small production runs
Propharma has two manufacturing facilities on the site at Dandenong, Melbourne:
- Pharmaceutical and food Facility (TGA Licence 945)
- Animal nutrition (APVMA Licence 4025 & FeedSafe® Licence 113)
Local food and pharmaceutical facility
We offer contract manufacturing services and can process a wide range of food and pharmaceutical powders including
- Particle size reduction (from 5 micron to 180 micron)
- Milling and sieving
- Blending (from 2 to 30+ ingredients into an homogenous blend)
- Packing & repacking (from 5 grams to tonnes)
Some of the products we process:
- Herbal preparations
- Cosmetic powders
- Baby food powders
- Energy drinks
- Detergents
This facility is TGA (Therapeutic Good Association) and HACCP licensed and operated under strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines.
Maker of animal nutrition additives
Propharma manufactures high quality nutritional additives and supplements for livestock and pets. Our products are highly regarded for their quality and consistency. Our customers include agri-business, feed mills, feed lots, pet food manufacturers and farmers.
Our products and services include:
- Our "PHARMAMIX" range of Vitamin and Mineral premixes
- Our "Weather Shield" loose-lick supplement specially formulated for
- Our Rye Grass Weathershield Flyer 10-12-2009
- Nutritional advice
- Custom formulations of feed and premixes
- Contract manufacture of your premix formulation
Our company licences and accreditation
- Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia Licence No. 945
- Australian Pesticides and Veterinay Medicinces Licence No. 4025
- FeedSafe® Accreditation No. 0113
- S4 Poisons Licence No. 23206417
- Feed Ingredients & Additives Association of Australia Inc
Keywords: Contract Manufacture, Energy Drink Premixes, Food Premixes, Contract Blending, Contract Milling, Cosmetic Powders, Chemical Blending, Dry Powder Specialists, Contract Sieving, Mineral Premix, Animal Nutrition, TGA Licence, Cattle Nutrition, Poultry Nutrition, Contract Packing, APVMA Licence
Business Directory Categories:
Farming & EnvironmentFarming & Environment - Animal SuppliesFarming & Environment - DairyFarming & Environment - SuppliesFriend of GippslandFriend of Gippsland - GeneralManufacturers & SuppliersManufacturers & Suppliers - Food
Contact Name: Penelope Griffiths Phone: 03 9794 7166 Fax: 03 9706 7265 Mobile: 0415 531 343
6 Elliott Rd, Dandenong 3175 Outside Gippsland
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