Keenan Memorials
40 years experience in installation of monuments. We also supply and install granite & marble bench and table tops
We are monumental specialists. We have supplied & installed granite & concrete monuments in almost every Cemetery in Gippsland in the past 30 years - Bairnsdale, Berwick, Cann River, Erica, Foster, Harkaway, Hazelwood, Heyfield, Lakes Entrance, Maffra, Moe, Neerim, Omeo, Orbost, Pakenham, Rosedale, Sale, Traralgon, Walhalla, Wonthaggi, Woods Point, Yallourn, Yarragon, Yarram.
In addition, we have refurbished and/or relocated the War Memorials at Morwell, Newborough, and Longwarry, and erected the new memorial to the late Sir MacFarlane Burnet in Traralgon.
We also supply and install granite table and bench tops locally and in Melbourne.
Keywords: Monuments, Monumental Mason, Memorials, War Memorials, Cemeteries, Stone, Bench & Table Tops, Granite, Marble, Kitchens, Renovations
Business Directory Categories:
Health & Caring - FuneralsTrade Services & Supplies
Contact Name: Peter Keenan Phone: (03) 5134 2885 Mobile: 0400 076 736
18-20 Ellen Street Morwell
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